Nullam feugiat eleifend felis eu aliquam. Etiam bibendum, ante nec efficitur lacinia, lectus eros laoreet lectus, sit amet ultricies magna mi vel felis. Quisque ut varius arcu. Praesent efficitur, nisi at imperdiet luctus, tellus dui dignissim purus, et aliquam diam metus ac velit. Mauris aliquet rutrum mauris, ac tempus arcu eleifend sit amet. Integer at lacinia turpis. Morbi vehicula justo at velit facilisis, ac dictum quam sodales. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.
Nunc finibus, magna sed laoreet malesuada, risus libero iaculis tellus, ac consequat enim nunc sed metus. Cras a condimentum elit, vel convallis tellus. Sed mauris mi, sollicitudin eu tellus ut, efficitur scelerisque justo. Fusce id nibh ut sapien egestas consectetur sed nec arcu. Aliquam et orci nec nulla pellentesque varius. Sed mi mauris, ultricies eu pharetra eget, tincidunt eu enim. Pellentesque convallis dolor nisl.
Philip (Phil) Hayes is the CEO of Sirius Innovations, LLC. As CEO of Sirius Innovations, LLC, he served as a Technology Solutions Consultant and Web Applications Programmer for fortune 500 companies, large municipalities and hospitals. He is fluent in the SQL, ColdFusion, PHP and Javscript programming languages. He is also a power user of the WordPress Content Management System, commonly used for blogging.
Phil's latest product development includes a service called 'Map The Past'. The advanced, yet easy to use functionality offered in this product will enable its members to "Walk in the Footsteps of Their Ancestors".
Phil became a Genealogy addict when in 1998, his Uncle, Lloyd W Lewis, sat he and his wife down on the deck of his Uncle's Pennsylvania home and told them the story of his Great, Great Grandfather Henry W. Lewis, the Privateer. The story was so intriguing that Phil found himself yearning for more details. Hence…. Philip Hayes, the Genealogist was born. Leveraging his technology skills, Philip has grown and developed the family tree well beyond what his Uncle could have ever dreamed of.
Combining the power of technology and the primary sources from historical documents, Philip developed his own family history web site, based on the Word Press Content Management System ( Upon publishing the site, it has inspired many people to develop interest in the family's history and has connected Philip to several undiscovered relatives and their family stories.
Phil is a member of numerous historical and genealogy societies, including the Association of Professional Genealogists
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