Lloyd W. Lewis (b. 1928 d. 2000)  was my very special and wise Uncle. We shared the same birthday and my middle name was given to me in honor of him. I, in turn, have passed my full name on to my first born in honor of him.  I regret not spending more time with him in my younger years, but he did leave an ever-lasting impression on me and many others.  This video  demonstrates the impact Lloyd had on some of those people.

The board of Kendal Charitable Funds approved the creation of the Lloyd Lewis Fund at its meeting in October 2007. The purpose of this new fund is to support improvements in serving older adults through the Promising Innovations campaign. The new fund and this campaign were initiated by the generous gift of $250,000 from the Janet Comey Foundation, a private foundation established through the estate of former Kendal at Longwood resident Janet Comey.