Harriet MAGER |
Mount Vernon, Westchester County, New York, United States |
28 Jul 1880 |
1913 |
James MAHER |
16 Nov 1912 |
Vineland, Cumberland County, New Jersey, United States |
02 Oct 1992 |
Alice Ann MAjor (YERKS) |
Borrough of New York, New York County, New York, United States |
20 Feb 1921 |
McLean, Fairfax County, Virginia, United States |
17 Oct 1991 |
Angelika MANIATIS |
Klimentia (Cleo) MANIATIS |
Panagos MANIATIS |
Theodore (Eleftheria) MANIATIS |
28 Feb 1754 |
State of Michigan, Michigan, United States |
ABT 1840 |
State of New York, New York, United States |
28 Aug 1785 |
Memphis, Macomb County, Michigan, United States |
19 May 1873 |
John Maris |
Mary Maris |
Somerset, England |
1614 |
Stratford, Fairfield, Connecticut Colony, British Colonial America |
9/23/1690 |
Richard Maris |
Gloucestershire, England, United Kingdom |
1540 |
1599 |
Mary Jane MARQUIS |
Guernsey, Channel Islands |
14 Dec 1833 |
Bath, Sagadahoc County, Maine, United States |
20 Dec 1918 |
Gertrude M MARRIAN |
State of New York, New York, United States |
MAY 1840 |
Yonkers, Westchester County, New York, United States |
10 Nov 1910 |
Gerald Francis MARSHALL |
Newport, Newport County, Rhode Island, United States |
20 Nov 1904 |
Mount Kisco, Westchester, New York, United States |
31 May 1989 |
Robert Francis MARSHALL |
Mount Kisco, Westchester, New York, United States |
03 Jan 1929 |
Mount Kisco, Westchester, New York, United States |
MAY 1985 |
Triphenah MATHEWS |
State of Connecticut, Connecticut, United States |
1758 |
Riley, St. Clair, Michigan, United States |
AFT 1850 |
Klimentia Nikolaou Clementine MATTHAIOU MATTHEWS |
Greece, Greece |
1880 |
ABT 1986 |
George Frederick Carl MAUERER |
State of New York, New York, United States |
1866 |
Lillian MAUERER |
State of New York, New York, United States |
1892 |
Mildred MAUERER |
State of New York, New York, United States |
1891 |
George MAYES |
State of New York, New York, United States |
1887 |
United States of America, United States |
ABT 1872 |
Mary Anne MCCOMB |
Borough of Brooklyn, Kings County, New York, United States |
10 May 1829 |
Borough of Brooklyn, Kings County, New York, United States |
08 Feb 1888 |
State of New York, New York, United States |
JAN 1874 |
Borough of Manhattan, New York County, New York, United States |
13 Feb 1912 |
George MCGOWN |
State of New York, New York, United States |
ABT 1854 |
State of New York, New York, United States |
ABT 1810 |
Kitty MCGOWN |
State of New York, New York, United States |
ABT 1847 |
George H MCGUHY |
Bedford Hills, Westchester County, New York, United States |
11 Jun 1916 |
West Hurley, Ulster County, New York, United States |
12 Feb 1995 |
Herbert MCGUHY |
Stamford, Fairfield County, Connecticut, United States |
29 Oct 1892 |
Bedford Hills, Westchester County, New York, United States |
JUL 1984 |
Jeanne P MCGUHY |
State of New York, New York, United States |
ABT 1919 |
Josephine MCKAUGHN |
Buena Park, Orange County, California, United States |
28 Dec 1903 |
Brea, Orange County, California, United States |
06 Oct 1978 |
Claire Marie MCLEAN (DUNLOP) |
Benjamin MEEKER |
Benjamin MEEKER Esq |
Catherine MEEKER |
ABT 1769 |
Catherine Elizabeth MEEKER |
Piermont, Rockland, New York, United States |
19 NOV 1831 |
Yonkers, Westchester County, New York, United States |
22 MAY 1921 |
Rose Mehan |
Ireland, Ireland |
FEB 1839 |
Mary Amelia MERSEREAU |
State of New York, New York, United States |
ABT 1841 |
Unknown MIHALEAS |
Dorothy Lee MILES |
1913 |
Barbara MILLER |
Austria, Austria |
1876 |
1946 |
Belle MILLER |
State of Iowa, Iowa, United States |
ABT 1891 |
Bernice Electra MILLER |
31 Aug 1912 |
Waller, Waller County, Texas, United States |
30 Sep 1999 |
Charles Everett MILLER |
Sag Harbor, Suffolk County, New York, United States |
23 Apr 1920 |
Jamaica, Queens County, New York, United States |
26 May 1958 |
Harriet Mildred MILLER |
Kitchewan (Historical, Westchesster, New York, United States |
17 Jun 1897 |
Pleasantville, Westchester County, New York, United States |
01 Feb 1976 |
Lewis A MILLER |
State of Iowa, Iowa, United States |
ABT 1859 |
State of Iowa, Iowa, United States |
MAY 1885 |
Robert Smith MILLER |
State of New York, New York, United States |
ABT 1867 |
Lyman MILTON |
State of New York, New York, United States |
JAN 1866 |
Borough of Manhattan, New York County, New York, United States |
10 Dec 1900 |
Irene Hildegard MINNERLY (YERKS) |
Yonkers, Westchester County, New York, United States |
4 JAN 1901 |
Yonkers, Westchester County, New York, United States |
18 APR 1977 |
Mount Pleasant, Westchester County, New York, United States |
28 Oct 1811 |
Tarrytown, Westchester County, New York, United States |
19 Apr 1894 |
Mildred MOODY |
Cleveland, Cuyahoga County, Ohio, United States |
25 Aug 1925 |
Melbourne Beach, Brevard County, Florida, United States |
20 Jan 2004 |
Elmira R MOORE |
State of New York, New York, United States |
05 Oct 1910 |
Lake Luzerne, Warren County, New York, United States |
23 Mar 1998 |
Florence MOORE |
State of New York, New York, United States |
1881 |
John W MOORE |
Westchester County, Westchester County, New York, United States |
1879 |
Westchester County, Westchester County, New York, United States |
W. Burns MOORE |
Phebe K MORGAN |
Bethlehem, Albany County, New York, United States |
05 Jan 1827 |
Crystal, Montcalm County, Michigan, United States |
19 Mar 1921 |
Isabel Moses |
Lincolnshire, England |
1580 |
Portsmouth, Rhode Island, Rhode Island, British Colonial America |
1678 |
Bessie MOSS |
Missouri City, Fort Bend County, Texas, United States |
06 Apr 1900 |
Bakersfield, Kern County, California, United States |
02 Mar 1963 |
Ann Moyses |
about 1593 |
Copper Kenneth MUNSON |
James MUNSON |
Warren D MYER |
Hughsonville, Dutchess, New York, United States |
31 Jul 1846 |
anna MYLIUS |
State of New York, New York, United States |
ABT 1765 |
ABT 1861 |